
【 Android 中文開放式課程】關於Application 三兩事

當Android App 程式啟動時,通常我們不需要去特別指定一個Application,系統層會自動創建一個Application 對象,啟動Application 後,系統會創建一個PID, ...

Application | API reference

Your AI development companion for Android development. ... Start by creating your first app. Go deeper with our training courses or explore app development on ...

The activity lifecycle | App architecture

On activity creation, the activity enters the Created state. In the onCreate() method, perform basic application startup logic that happens only once for the ...

Application.OnCreate Method (Android.App)

Called when the application is starting, before any activity, service, or receiver objects (excluding content providers) have been created.

Application.OnCreate Method (Android.App)

Called when the application is starting, before any activity, service, or receiver objects (excluding content providers) have been created.


Called when the application is starting, before any activity, service, or receiver objects (excluding content providers) have been created.

When does Application's onCreate() method get called?

Called when the application is starting, before any activity, service, or receiver objects (excluding content providers) have been created.

How do I enforce Application onCreate after app was closed and a ...

The Application object is a singleton. It gets instantiated (and onCreate() is called) when the OS process hosting your app is created.

Application class in Android

onCreate(): This is the first method called when the application is launched. It is where you can perform initialization tasks that need to be ...

What is the onCreate method in the android app dev? Is it not a ...

onCreate() is the start of that lifecycle, it's where the Activity is created before being shown on screen. Like your professor suggests, it's a ...


當AndroidApp程式啟動時,通常我們不需要去特別指定一個Application,系統層會自動創建一個Application對象,啟動Application後,系統會創建一個PID, ...,YourAIdevelopmentcompanionforAndroiddevelopment....Startbycreatingyourfirstapp.Godeeperwithourtrainingcoursesorexploreappdevelopmenton ...,Onactivitycreation,theactivityenterstheCreatedstate.IntheonCreate()method,performbasicapplicationstartuplogictha...